Kloosterman paths of prime powers moduli

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What is drawn

For any power $q$ of a prime number (called the modulus), let us note $$ 1\leq j_1<\dotsc<j_{\varphi(q)}<q $$ the integers prime to $q$. For all $a$ and $b$ prime to $a$, and $j_\ell$ one of the integers prime to $q$ defined above, we define the Kloosterman partial sum $K_j(a,b)$ by $$ K_{j_{\ell}}(a,b;q)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{q}}\sum_{n=1}^{\ell}\exp\left(2i\pi\frac{aj_n+b\overline{j_n}}{q}\right) $$ where $\overline{j_n}$ is an inverse of $j_n$ modulo $q$. Kloosterman’s partial sums are complex numbers. We can therefore associate them with points that we plot, one after the other, starting with $K_{j_1}(a,b)$ then $K_{j_2}(a,b)$ up to $K_{j_{\varphi(q)}}(a,b;q)$.

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A list of references on the subject.

Emmanuel Royer
Emmanuel Royer
Professeur des universités en mathématiques

Mon domaine de recherche est la théorie des nombres et, plus précisément, l’étude des formes modulaires et des fonctions cousines.